Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chihuly Canopy Close-up

This is a hard piece to shoot because there is a plexi (or glass?) cover over the bottom of the canopy and it creates a lot of reflection. If I owned any 1 of these 80 pieces in this sculpture I would be over the moon. It is lit at night but downtown Toronto is a busy place in the evenings - hard for parking, lots of crowds. I'll be in the area at night in a few weeks and will try for an illuminated pic!


  1. Lovely during the day, and even more so at night. Will look forward to seeing your night-time shots.

  2. These are different from some other Chihuli ceilings I have seen, because they are pretty much all the same item. I was in Tacoma a month ago and the one there is a jumble of different items. I like yours better.

  3. I like yesterdays photo but this close up is awesome.

  4. This is a bit different from the usual Chihuly. Absolutley amazing!
    I will be at PoW theatre in a couple of weeks so must check this out while I'm down there.

  5. nice....! would be cool to see in real...
