Thursday, November 4, 2010

Beaver Dam Fountain

This is the beaver dam fountain, designed by Douglas Coupland, which is visible in the background in yesterday's pic from Canoe Landing Park. Unfortunately all the decorative fountains and drinking fountains in the city have been drained for the winter so there is no water for the beavers. Apparently the logs light up at night in a myriad of colours so I will have to try to get there at night to capture that. Also, it seems there are waterjets, scattered about in the concrete amongst yesterday's bobs, which shoot up at random. Have to get back next summer!


  1. This is a nice Park, I like the theme used to create the fishing bobs and fountain too. It's a pity there was no water for the beavers. ;-)

  2. Wonder what the beavers would make of their illuminated dam.

  3. I don't think the beavers would approve of this design.

  4. This sounds very interesting. I'd love to see it at night.

  5. Sure would be great to see the night version of this!
