Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Canoe Landing Park at Night

Since it was a clear night, yesterday was the time to go to the park after dark. Unfortunately the LED lights on the hill weren't working but the fishing bobs were under spotlights and many of them have bands of lights that were glowing. The beaver dam in the back of the pic changes colour (red, purple, blue, yellow) every few seconds so overall it was a successful journey. There were also a lot of people at the park with dogs running around which was good to see in this new downtown neighbourhood that was previously railway lands.


  1. Glad you decided for an evening visit to the park.

  2. I didn't imagine the fishing bobs could be so beautiful at night! The bands of light are a very good idea!
    The sky on the background has a lovely colour!

  3. oh darn i missed this. i was just in toronto a few weeks ago.
    greetings from Barcelona.


  4. This looks so cool! It must be fun to wander around here.

  5. Ooo I think I like it most at night. The colors are so much more vivid.

  6. Is this ever cool! What a fun image. We're so lucky in Toronto to have so many great and interesting public spaces.

  7. what a funky pic!
    LOVE IT!
    Thanks for sharing :)

    Keep it up

    The PostMan

  8. This place seems very pleasant, I like these various and all those colors, it's really beautiful !
    the night adds something more to this picture ! bravo, very succesfull !

    Bye :))
