Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hart at Hart House

This has been a difficult sculpture to photograph because of all the texture in the stone wall behind it - I've been back several times and finally think this one catches it. Titled "Nuture/Nature" and by Canadian artist Joe Fafard, it was installed outside Hart House in 1993 and shows an arch through which you see a hart (adult male deer) surrounded by trees. Typical of Fafard's metal works, he plays with the optics to portray depth and perspective where there really isn't any!


  1. You know I love animals, this scuplture is amazing!
    The trees are very beautiful too, great work!

  2. Nice catch!
    I enjoy reading your little art classes :)

  3. Fafard's work is amazing, thanks for showing us this one.M

  4. I think you did very well capturing this one. Nice shot.
