Monday, December 27, 2010

Hart House

Thought that I should show a pic of the Hart House building itself since I have shown so much of the art work in and around it. Established in 1919, the Greek-Revival style building was designed by architect Henry Sproatt to function as a student activity centre. It has extensive facilities - gym. swimming pool, archery , theatre, art gallery, lounges, music rooms, restaurants. and more. Unfortunately until 1972 it was only open to men - the feminist movement at the University put an end to that!


  1. This building is amazing!!!
    I'm glad to see its picture and read about its history.

  2. Nice one!
    Happy to hear we can all go in now! :))

  3. Beautiful detail in that building.

  4. Wow, there is quite a lot going on inside those walls.

  5. Love that blue sky! I was away over the holidays and where I was the skies were GREY!

  6. What a grand building! I thought it was a church at first!
