Monday, December 13, 2010

Sorel Etrog at Hart House

This bronze sculpture titled "Survivors Are Not Heroes" is located outside Hart House on the U of Toronto campus and was unveiled in 1968. The title and the work itself are said to reference Etrog's exploration of the tensions and interactions between man and machine. Standing just under 20' tall, it is quite impressive!


  1. Another great sculpture! I like it.

    To answer your question, there was a temporary Chihuly exhibit at the garden two years ago and these three pieces remain from that show. The garden is in the process of purchasing them from the artist so they will stay!

  2. Interesting and elaborated sculpture with a very strong title.
    This campus is great!

  3. I like this photograph..smooth and soft, as a sweet little drawing :))

  4. I really like this one, the title too.
