Sunday, January 30, 2011

Look Up

This art piece titled "Air Show XV" is located in the lobby of the addition of College Park not far from the totem poles of a few days ago. By artist David Barnett it is a mural on shaped aluminum and is 16' high by 9' wide. I find the positioning really interesting because the bottom of the piece starts well up the wall forcing viewers to crane their necks, mirroring the people in the mural itself! Pretty cool!


  1. Pretty Cool indeed!
    Thank you Red Pat!
    Have a lovely evening :)

  2. Very nice (interactive) art piece!
    The positioning is so original!

  3. This is an amazing piece and the placement sounds like it's perfect for this piece. I can see that Toronto is a city full of art! Wonderful.

  4. That is a very interest piece.

  5. Again, you have shown us some wonderful public art. I am always excited to find a city with an active and high quality public art program. I like this one.

  6. I like this a LOT. And I'm so glad you told us that anyone looking at it would have to look up too.
