Sunday, January 2, 2011

Red Mini

It has been very grey here this week and it is a grey time of year so this neat little red Mini caught my eye as I walked by a private boys school in the Annex. There are a lot of Minis here with graphic details but I especially like the checkered patterning on the roof, wheels, and side mirror of this one!


  1. You're right, it's beautiful and the details are so cool!
    Hope you have a colourful week. ;-)

  2. Nice to see a pop of colour on your blog too for these grey days. By coincidence I watched the original 'The Italian Job' on TV this week, with its iconic minis speeding through Turin.

  3. Red Pat Cooper! ;)
    Have a nice evening!

  4. ah! I love me a mini. I agree with you, they are mighty graphic.
    We have a green one, sans the checkered roof.

    Happy 2011, Red Pat! I hope this year brings you all the best.

  5. It's a beauty! Love that red...and it's clean!

    Happy New Year, Red Pat!

  6. I do so want one of these! I love this photo!

  7. I love these little cars. I think they are particularly suited to city traffic.

  8. Nice find! That is nice one with cool roof.
    My uncle has a Mini, I think probably his car is silver....
    Keep your smile!
