Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Work in 3 Places Part 2

Just along the street from yesterday's sculpture you will find this piece consisting of a little bronze boy pulling a wagon with a 21 ft high, stone obelisk on it. He too is heading towards Toronto Police Headquarters. The obelisk has the words "To Serve And Protect" chiseled into it - the motto of the Toronto Police. I have done a 2 part pic since there is such a scale difference between the boy and the obelisk!


  1. great series of pics. i am looking forward to the last one. this is a marvelous series of sculptures. perhaps wasted outside the police station as i do not believe that a great number of people or tourists go there willingly! thanks for this series - great find! love all the sculpture you are finding to show us.

  2. This is much nicer than their fenced off 'parking lot'!!

  3. This is a very differente sculpture, it's nice to see it in this 2 shots!
    It's cool to learn so much about all the sculptures you post here! ;-)

  4. That is one strong boy!

    Keep it coming.

  5. It will take him sometime to get that home. Nice shot!

  6. I suppose this is one way to get art out there and among the people. It looks very good to me.

  7. The boy is hauling such a heavy load! :)

  8. Gotta love a public institution hauling icons of the Masons around. Makes one question "who" are they to server and protect? Definitely not the public!
