Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eerie Neighbours!

Just to show you how eclectic the laneway paintings can be, this garage is just across from the last 2 posts. There is not one bit of tagging anywhere near it - the whole garage is pristine black - taggers beware! It is really well done but I think in the dark it would be a wee bit eerie!


  1. Oh my, that would be a little scary if you came upon it on a dark night.

  2. Fantastic, I agree with you, it's very well done!

  3. My, these are all awesome designs - though, as you say, this one would be a bit eerie on a dark night.

  4. Just needs a ciggarette coming out of its mouth to complete the picture

  5. Are they all painted in that area? I'm not sure I would like this.

  6. Jack - No, they are not all painted but many along this particular lane have patterns, or the 3 paintings that I've shown, on them in an attempt to stop the graffiti taggers. Probably 1/2 are painted. This lane is right off Bloor St, which is one of our main streets, and close to a high school so there are lots of young guys around.

  7. I wonder what the inside of their house looks like.

  8. The artwork in this lane is nothing short of amazing.

  9. Very well executed but a little unsettling!
