Friday, March 11, 2011

Modern Neighbours

Across the street from the houses that I have shown you this week is this great modern home clad in steel with a wonderful glass facade. Completed last year, it is actually a 600 sq ft addition to a original wood 1880s workers cottage which had been there since before the surrounding brick Victorians were built. Since the cottage was built well back on the lot, architect Gary McCluskie was able to put the 2 room addition on to the front without disrupting the streetscape. I actually found an article with interior shots of the 15' high ceilings and a pic from last summer without the snow! To see these click here.


  1. Cool house, I would never imagine that once it was an old cottage...
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Very nice! I'm glad you added the link to let us see the interior.

  3. Thank you Red Pat!
    Looks a little like my apartment with the large glass facade..yes my ceiling is 15' high.
    Have a good weekend :)

  4. It looks very nice inside. I don't love a lot of modern architecture, but this one is OK. Would I like it better if it had been a more sympathetic addition that paid homage to the existing building? Probably. (But the architect and owner didn't ask me . . . )

  5. If your into modern it would be the perfect home. Great shot!

  6. ... and people live there? Ah, a different breed than me, for sure.

  7. Hmmm. The inside is very lovely but the exterior doesn't appear to be sympathetic to the rest of the house or the neighbourhood.

  8. I would love to live in a place like this!

    We are having a really hard time finding a suitable place to live. I am regretting more and more the house we lost in Pickering. :(

  9. Interesting -- reminds me of a TV show I used to watch -- something about unusual houses.
