Thursday, May 5, 2011

Frida in Toronto

Since it was finally sunny this morning I went for a wander through some lanes off Queen St and happened upon this mural of Frida Kahlo which was appropriate since today is Cinqo de Mayo. All the Mexican restaurants in town seem to put on special menus for the day!


  1. She was a great artist and a very brave woman!
    Great colours! ;-)

  2. Great photo for the Cinco de Mayo.

  3. Love the mural, and the photo. Does she have ties to Toronto?

  4. I feel guilty. I haven't done anything even remotely Mexican or Spanish today. Spaghetti for dinner. Don't squeal on me.

  5. She's everywhere! I love Frida!

  6. Cinco de Mayo was really big in Jackson. But to be honest, I hardly noticed it at all in Toronto.
    Nice mural in any case. I like the purple!

    PS: We are moving to a house in North York, not too far from where we are now. Apartment living can be fun, but I'll be happy to have more space and not to hear all of my neighbors. :)

  7. Cool! I'm afraid I missed celebrating Cinco de Mayo this year.
