Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bank Messenger

The Scotia Plaza complex (with the waterfall from 2 days ago) consists of the original Bank of Nova Scotia building connected to a newer tower. The original building was designed in the late 20s as a very Deco structure but the stock market crash and the war resulted in it not being constructed until 1951 while still retaining the Deco features. German artist Frederick Winkler designed several of these bas-relief sculptures of heroic mythological features that are featured on the outside walls. This image of Hermes, the Greek messenger god, is located in the top of one of the very deep window openings - as a great Deco fan I love it!


  1. Fantastic, I'd love to see that in person!

  2. I'm with you as an art deco fan and love to find images like this on walls and buildings. Beautiful!

  3. I sent this blog link to my cousin who will be visiting from Germany this summer.
    many thanks,

  4. That really is a lovely piece.

  5. It is a grand work of art deco sculpture. Isn't it on a horizontal plane facing down? Odd location.

  6. Jack - Yes it is very unusual - it is the horizontal plane at the top of the window opening. Not sure what you would call it - it is not really a lintel, just a decorative piece.

  7. I understand your appreciation because it is very attractive.

  8. wow, very interesting since not many people would notice this.

    I take it the surface is not horizontal but on a slant, so you see part of it when facing the building?

  9. I'm a fan of anything mythological. Go Hermes!

  10. OOOOPS! How did I miss this post? That's a beautiful decorative detail! Excellent eye you have. :)

    A side note: imo, TERRE D'Hermes is one of the nicest men's cologne on the market... check it out.

  11. I really admire BNS for maintaining these images in almost new condition
    Yes they were designed by Fredrick Winkler in smaller scale, but they were
    expanded and Sculpted in stone by Louis Temporale R.C.A. as was all the other
    exterior Bas-Reliefs which are numerous. The interior wall Bas-Relief inside the
    main banking hall of the BNS is also interesting. It was modelled smaller scale in plaster
    by Jacobine Jones and was expanded to massive scale and relief and Sculpted in Situ
    by Louis Temporale R.C.A.
    Accolades must be given to BNS for their preservation measures, unlike other corporate
    entities that do not maintain their Heritage properties!!
