Friday, June 17, 2011

The Big Mobile

Luminato 2007 also featured an installation in Brookfield Place (see yesterday) but this one worked incredibly well for me. By French artist Xavier Veilhans, the Big Mobile consisted of 25 PVC spheres varying from 29" to 138" and running the length of the atrium. It became a magical space which I can still remember well today - one of my all time favourite art pieces!


  1. Very nice - I'd like to see that myself!

  2. I can see why this would be a favorite. It has a magical feel to it.

  3. This mobile is amazing and it looks really great under the no less amazing ceiling. Great architecture.

  4. You're right, this installation is much more creative and fun, and we can really see it!

  5. Wonderful architecture. I've been in there at Christmas - they had amazing white lights hanging along the vaulted roof.

  6. I agree with you. I like this one a lot, but I was indifferent to this year's sculpture. Hard to put into words why I like one but not the other.

  7. I'll take your word for it that this was amazing 'live' - from the photo, they look a little heavy/dark for that wonderful light soaring space.

  8. great photo. i remember how these globes seemed to float in this wonderful space and these various sized black forms never overpowered the majesty of the architecture. i do not know if you remember in 2009 they had a long line of large red balls in a wave floating in this same space. it was also quite amazing. thanks for this photo from 2007. this year i was disappointed that luminato stressed more theatre than art installations. although the theatre people were delighted.
    thanks redpat.

  9. aha! I was going to say the atrium looks like a Calatrava project, and it is.

    I have to say the atrium is better off without the mobile. Maybe it's different when you are in the space itself?

    It's funny when you're in such tall spaces, you seem to lose the sense of depth. Such sculptures help to make you see how tall the space in fact is.

  10. A super photo.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. I do like the sphere best also, but am not unhappy with the current installation, it kind of looks like designer snow.

  12. That is cool but I would be afraid one would fall on me.

  13. Wow! I haven't seen these before, very nice. I like the elephants too, I'm off to France today, I hope to keep the blog going from there,,,enjoy the summer,,,M
