Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Brookfield Place

This wonderful atrium, the Allen Lambert Galleria, is located in Brookfield Place which is a large office complex in the heart of the financial district comprised of 2 tall towers and 12 heritage buildings that survived the 'Great Fire of 1904'. An international competition was held to design the atrium and was won by noted Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. The 360 ft long and 6 stories high atrium was constructed in the 1990s and has become one of the most photographed spots in Toronto. I love wandering through it! The white installation visible in the distance is part of Luminato, a festival of the arts taking place here this week. A pic of it coming later this week.


  1. I desperately want to see this! (and other bits of Luminato). I'm hoping for Thursday or Friday.

  2. Gorgeous atrium. The design and light reflect so beautifully.

  3. I think I might have been in here. It would have been around 1998. I remember there being a film crew surrounding one of the entrances to what must be a heritage building. The signs said they were filming for some Dracula movie. Not being a fan of vampire movies, I can't remember which movie it was.

  4. That's really lovely, soaring up and so light. The people give it scale.

  5. it is interesting to see a modern galleria like this. Providence, Rhode Island has an old glass arcade from 1828. Same function, just a very different look.

  6. That's awesome!
    My first impression was that I felt like I was in the stomach of a whale or a dinosaur carcass... silly me.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. :)

  7. It looks fabulous.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. This is the most amazing atrium I've ever seen!

  9. What a wonderful space full of light and interesting shadows.

  10. OH WOW what a beautiful picture!

    thanks for sharing
