Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Modern Garden

I spotted this small courtyard in front of a Victorian Annex home while the snow was still around and thought it deserved a summer visit so here it is. It is so lovely and graphic with the stainless steel planters and great bench that I am sure the inside of the house must be all modern too - wish I could have a tour!


  1. It's very creative and unexpected!
    That bench is amazing too! ;-)

  2. It's always nice to catch the same scene in a different season. This courtyard I like.

  3. Another great find Redpat! This is a very nice treatment for a small front courtyard. It's stylish, simple and easy to maintain... love it.
    Have a happy Tuesday!

  4. I guess I appreciate the ingenuity and imagination, but personally I am finding the smooth metal containers jarring with the log supports. But, that is just me . . .

  5. I love the design! THe bench and planters go really well together.In fact, I'd love to have some planters like that myself.

  6. Everybody needs a little spot to sit in the sun and reflect.

  7. I am a voyeur at heart and love to catch glimpses of personal garden spaces.

  8. It is creative. Not sure I would pick that style for the architecture but they are nice.

  9. Love the bench Red, did you take a picture of this garden when it was covered in snow??

  10. Looks like a good place to relax!

  11. It looks tidy, perfect for a small space.
