Thursday, June 23, 2011

Old Meets New

This pic was taken in the courtyard of Commerce Court while standing near the elephants of a few days ago and shows how the original Commerce North building (with the wonderful ceiling of 2 days ago) was connected to the new stainless steel Commerce West Tower. Commerce Court, completed in 1972, covers 4 acres and consists of the 1 old building plus 3 new buildings and a courtyard designed by architect I. M. Pei. In the space between the 2 towers you can see the rich marble of Scotia Plaza across the street and catch a glimpse of Trump Tower under construction with the crane on top. It is a very busy area!


  1. Cool picture and good colours, there are so many things to see here, and it is still a very sharp shot!

  2. Wonderful urban capture... your point of view really leads the eye of the viewer in a pleasing way!

  3. A very cool way to connect those buildings! Tall buildings - sure beats our tallest "skyscraper" of 10 floors here in Eagan....

  4. Great eye! Excellent capture! Since you're on the subject of architecture... Have you seen this? Maybe it's something you'd like?

    Thanks for the link! :)
    Happy Thursday.

  5. I.M. Pei certaing has put his stamp around the world.

  6. My first reaction was of shock. On reflection, maybe this will work. It is a congested area of tall, unornamented buildings, so perhaps they need something unusual to create interest in an area that otherwise could be too stark. Maybe . . .

  7. Great shot with so much to see.

  8. Just caught up with several of your remarkable posts. I want to visit Toronto! What a great city. My favorite post was the elephants, but I loved every post. Great architecture and art everywhere -- your home city is on our must visit list!

  9. That is just so cool Red, you've got to wonder what goes on in the heads of some architects, who would have thought of such a fantastic concept. I love when you pull this image and see just how much is going on. Brilliant!

  10. Definitely I.M. Pei's style. Notsure how I feel about Trump Tower though. Have you ever been in the one in NYC? It's ghastly ug. :S

  11. This one deserves being enlarged, what an amazing structure, love it!

  12. Somehow I'm very disconcerted by this. Still trying to work out why.
