Saturday, July 30, 2011

Corner Store

In the days before large grocery stores, the older residential areas of Toronto had a little store sprinkled about on most corners where kids could buy their supply of penny candy. You can still see these interesting buildings but most of the ones on small streets have been converted into housing leaving corner stores mainly on the more busy streets fighting to survive against the mega-stores. This store, Steven's, in the Annex is like a part of the community - local news, always fresh flowers, trendy foods, etc - suitable for this rather bohemian/artsy neighbourhood!


  1. It's a very nice place to go for a walk!
    It's so good to see all that flowers on the sidewalk, just waiting to brighten someone's house! ;-)

  2. There are a few over here - a dying breed. This one is so colourful with all those flowers.

  3. I really miss these small stores with their small but overflowing garden centres. We just don't have anything like this in Burlington.

  4. Sounds like my kind of neighborhood and grocery. I bet they have lots of local and perhaps organic foods.

  5. You could write that about many areas in my city of Sydney. I have done postings on the subject. I love corner stores and ribbon development in comparison with the massive department stores and shopping malls. I love the flowers outside 'Steven's'.

  6. It is a dying breed most places, I guess. This one seems to have found a new niche with the bountiful flowers.

  7. Looks like my kind of store.

  8. Great that you still have these corner stores and they haven't been replaced by supermarkets

  9. I think they have to offer something really 'special' to survive against the biggies, this one seems to fill that slot perfectly Red. I'd definitely shop there.

  10. In my youth, there were many of these. They were comfortable and homy. What a contrast to today.

  11. Look at all those colours! Absolutely lovely street corner.

  12. I love being in Toronto when the corner stores have flowers out for sale.

  13. You brought back memories of my corner store from when I was kid growing up. I was raised in East York which has since been gobbled up by the city of Toronto.
