Tuesday, July 5, 2011

X Marks the Spot

This wonderful red sculpture, titled "Double Vision" by Canadian artist Shayne Dark, is located in front of X Condominiums on Jarvis St just along the street from yesterday's 'tree'. I quite like this jolt of colour contrasting with the black 45 storey high condo. It's a busy street so hard to avoid vehicles in your shot!


  1. There is so much to see in your town that I wonder that wherever you go, there's something interesting to admire.
    This sculpture wouldn't be so cool in another colour! ;-)

  2. This is very dramatic against that building. I like it.

  3. I think it is outstanding. The red against the black and the sheer size are fabulous. My only problem is that it needs to be renamed "Redpat."

  4. That is a great piece of urban sculpture, very colourful.

  5. This is a superb sculpture. I agree it is a wonderful contrast with the black building. Great photo.

  6. I must say again how I love all of the public art in your city. What a great tour that would be.

  7. I like that 'jolt' of colour too Red, very cool sculpture.

  8. Another great find RedPat. Maybe it's time I drive down the 401. T.O. seems to have a lot of art displayed in public spaces. Good stuff!
    Have a happy Wednesday.

  9. I really like that in that setting. You have so much good public art.
