Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bike Stands at the ROM 6

I'm in a bike groove this week so here is another bike stand from the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) - couldn't even guess what this one is supposed to represent but I like it! Lots of places to attach a lock.


  1. It's wonderful. It looks like a many-legged winged dragon. I really must visit the ROM some day just to see the bike stands. It's a little far from here but we do fly via Toronto sometimes with an overnight for crotchety old me.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. I love dragons and all the mythologicall creatures!
    Cool bike stand! ;-)

  3. Yep, it's a dragon. But what t represents inside the Rome I haven't a clue.

  4. I have never seen such creative bike stands. I think I"d like to park mine at the fancy vase below! :)

  5. Looks like a dragon or something. :)
    If you have any ideas of what is good to visit in Toronto (besides the normal stuff), let me know!

  6. Yup your right Red, lots of spots I can see there in that 'dragon' to secure your bike, I would have probably picked the hole in the wing, glad to see someone is using it!

  7. I like the dragon in the design. It's fun seeing one being used.

  8. Gee, I keep telling you how much I like the creative bike racks. Maybe it is tedious being so repetitive, but so be it. Keep 'em coming.

  9. This one almost makes sense. The bike helps the eye.

  10. But what an amazingly wonderful idea these bike stands are! I love them . So creative. I want to go to there even more now -- (but it would be a long bike ride ;>)

  11. Interesting I've never seen bike stands like this before. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
