Monday, August 29, 2011

"Something Red"

I missed it but the Tom Walmsley play, "Something Red" was playing on Ossington Ave earlier this summer . This street is one of those transitional streets where the rents are cheap and old dives and stores that have been there for years are being replaced by hip restaurants and bars with no signs (you have to be in the know to go there) and other trendy shops. So this type of signage for a play is perfect for the area!


  1. Cool, very original!
    It's the first time I see this kind of add, and I really like it!
    I'm sure this street has many interesting places to visit.
    Very nice title too! :D

  2. Different and interesting picture!

    Good grief, I've never even HEARD of such restaurants and bars with no signs. No surprise -- I am definitely not 'in the know'.

  3. It sounds like a pretty eclectic area! It must be fun to visit.

  4. It does sound like a fun place to visit. The sign seems to capture the area.

  5. The title of that play and graffiti was designed especially for you I think Red....??

  6. It fits in nicely with the graffiti.

  7. Interesting sign. I sort of like it!

  8. Oh yes, that's really cool and I would love to visit the area.

  9. Hmmm. How cool that you are in the know. :)

  10. And were you wearing the famous red shoes at the time, Pat?:-)

  11. I can see someone have put lots of work in to this.
    Perhaps you will have the opportunity to see the play another time?
