Monday, August 15, 2011

Starry Place

I took this pic yesterday a.m. so you have missed Britney Spears at the Air Canada Centre (ACC) last night. The ACC is most well-known here for being the arena where our beloved (but perennial losing) Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team plays - it is nearly impossible to get tickets for a game. This sculpture, titled "Search Light, Star Light, Spot Light" by Canadian artist John McEwen was installed outside the centre in 1999 and each of the 3 huge beacons has 1,000 stars cut out of its Corten steel surface so that at night when lit from inside they glow just as the stars who play and perform inside the centre do. But it is also a very crowded place at night - not the best for a pic!


  1. This sculpture (and its name) is fantastic!!!! Loved it!
    Very nice picture with the Britney Spears sign. ;-)

  2. I must be really, really out of touch. I didn't even know Britney Spears was in town. Ha!

    I've never seen this sculpture lit up and I haven't been to a Leaf's game since they played at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Sheesh!

  3. I know what you mean about crowds, I try to avoid crowds for pictures. I love this sculpture, I bet it looks awesome at night.

  4. This sculpture is great, Redpat. I imagine it is cool at night. Come on . . . your bloggership demands a night photo on a crowded winter night!

  5. What an unusual Sculpture Red even in the day!I really like it, but like Jack, I think now that you've told us about the 'starry' nights, y'know ......!!

  6. I love these. Would love to see them lit up.

  7. I know this place! I have photographed this sculpture many times. But none of my shots have ever come out as nicely as yours.

    PS: Did you see Brittney? ;)

  8. That is a very interesting sculpture.
    PS, I don't mind missing Britney, I wouldn't have gone anyway.

  9. I'd still love to see it at night.

  10. This is just fantastic! I really like it. On the other hand, glad I missed Britney, she's definitely not my cup of tea! :-)
