Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Babboe Bike

Toronto is becoming more and more a bike city - for some even in the snowy winter. We are starting to see more and more unusual bikes around town and this great one keeps popping up in front of a local restaurant. These cargo bikes are from Dutch company which suggests their use for transporting children and groceries but I have a feeling that it is delivering eco-friendly supplies to this locavore establishment!


  1. Pretty interesting. The minivan of bicycles.

  2. I like the idea!
    Hope you can show us more unusual bikes when you come back from UK. ;-)

  3. My Dad was a baker in Holland before we emigrated, and one of my fave pictures of him from that time was of him delivering fesh bread in one of these.

  4. I like them Red, we have them here to, great way for young Mum's and Dad's to keep fit and take baby along for the ride!

  5. This looks unusual to have the cargo hold on the front!
