Thursday, October 6, 2011

Arcade in London

To me an arcade is a place where games are played so imagine my surprise when I peeked into this arcade to find an elegant shopping centre. London has many of these passageways that run between streets and that were probably precursors to our modern-day malls. I love the architecture, colour and atmosphere of this one - unfortunately didn't get its name!


  1. Every time I saw one of these passageways it was a good surprise for me, all the ones I visited were very fancy, it's cool to visit London again through your blog. ;-)

  2. I agree with Lucia - I was there many years ago, and it's nice to see it again this way!

  3. Cool, it's almost like walking through a lovely tunnel.

  4. I love these too and wish we had many more of them. I ventured through some elegant ones in Paris...that was fun!

  5. This is beautiful. Seems to be a wonderful holiday in London!

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. You are in London? You forgot to take me with you! I loved our trip there. BritSpeak is kinda different sometimes!

  7. Gorgeous, and in such great shape, love the paint job.

  8. Love this place!!! The architecture, details and color, oh my!

  9. We have an arcade here too but not quite as decorative as this.

  10. I love these places too! I've shopped in a couple of them. By shopped, I mean checked the prices on a few things. I loved looking around but, most items were a little too pricey the last time I was there.

  11. Like the arches, great looking arcade, expensive shops perhaps?? Have a great weekend with your camera in London Red.

  12. It's a dazzling arcade! I'd love to take a stroll through there - check out the stores, have a coffee & treat!
