Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"The Beatles Story" Liverpool

The Beatles story is an exhibition in the Albert Dock complex located on the Mersey River in Liverpool. The Albert Dock is now one of the top tourist attractions in Liverpool but was built in 1848 as a complex of warehouses and dock buildings and was used in this way until the 1970s when it was found to be unsuitable for modern uses. It was redeveloped in the 80s and reopened as a beautiful centre of hotels , restaurants, shops, The Beatles Story, and the Tate Liverpool gallery. I didn't do the Beatles Story ( have my own Beatles memories ) but did hit the Tate for a wonderful Magritte show!
Taking part in Signs. Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. I'm too young to have any real Beatles memories, but I started to listen to their music when I was thirteen years old. A class mate used to sing and play the songs for us on our lunch break.

  2. That's a cool sign. Beatles and their music, still popular today.

  3. I like that yellow submarine, it was a favorite with one of my sons when he was little.

  4. This is the 3rd post I've read about the Albert Dock today! It looks like a really interesting place. (I would have chosen the Tate as well!)

  5. I'm glad the area was redeveloped and is now a useful and beautiful area. That is a cool sign. I would have liked to seen the exhibit.

  6. Would have loved to see the Albert Dock, but my visit with my family in '96 could have been labelled "Lost in Liverpool" although we decided it was good that we'd been there anyway.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Interesting that a Magritte art show and a Beatles music exhibition are housed in the same complex! A sign that demands attention and stimulates interest!

  8. I'm jealous of the Magritte Show. I would love to see that. Did you happen to see the Peace & Harmony, John Lennon Peace Sculpture in Liverpool? An artist from Phoenix created it. I just learned that recently when I was researching another sculpture here that I photographed last weekend.

  9. Funny how out of the way, nondescript towns can become so famous simply by someone being born there. Love the sign

  10. This is a very cool sign RedPat! :)

  11. Wonderful sign. I'm not sure I would have looked in on the exhibition or not.

  12. I am not surprised it is the top tourist attraction in Liverpool. Did your go in and view?

  13. Neat sign, especially that yellow submarine.
    word verification is hypster!

  14. That's a very pretty cool place to look around.


  15. I would have skipped it for the Magritte too. Nice shot!

  16. I can understand why you chose the Magritte, but I would have tried to go to both exhibitions because they're spectacular. A difficult decision to choose only one!

  17. Nice shots again Red Pat...glad you enjoyed your trip to Liverpool also.....I have been to Liverpool many times but like you I preferred to treasure my own memories of the Beatles in my youth...and chose not to enter the
