Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eclectic Fence

I had heard about a cool fence in the Cedarvale neighbourhood and finally went looking for it this week only to discover a wonderful funky installation running along the front of a rather normal-looking house. This is just 1 section of the fence which has all manner of things welded and attached to it - door knobs, chains, springs, cups, t-pot, child's mug with name engraved, taps, etc. One can only imagine what the neighbours thought at first but most of the things now have a nice soft patina of rust which makes the whole thing quite pleasant! Enlarge for a better look.


  1. This is the coolest fence I've ever seen!
    It's fun to dicover the things attached to it! :)

  2. This is great, but I'd wonder about the neighbours, too. Thank goodness for rust, although the child's mug, if silver, won't rust, but it will turn black.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Funky I like it :D

  4. I'd be very happy looking at this next door

  5. That's really cool, very creative, love it.
    Can you get rid of Rambo's comment above please? I find it objectionable even though I'm not an American woman!

  6. That is a cool fence, I want it...

  7. Eclectic says it all - but I like it! Nice find.

  8. I love creative people! This is just so cool

  9. what a great find. this fence is soooo magical and a great photo on your part. really like it. thanks red pat

  10. True folk art. If I were the neighbor, at first I would be horrified but soon I would come to love and brag about it.

  11. This is more like a work of art Red, how fantastic and you're right, now that it's a bit older and rusty it looks so good especially in contrast to that lush green grass.
    The stories were English, Enid Blyton was such a prolific writer of childrens books, I liken her to a storyteller along the lines of JK Rowling.

  12. That is a great fence! Very creative.

  13. I very much like this idea. I wonder what my neighbours would think if I... Hehe.

  14. I adore fence photos...and this one is awesome. So glad I got to see it. genie

  15. What a very cool fence! Love it.
