Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Italy Mural

I spotted this mural on the side of a building along College St in Little Italy. It was done by a group called Under the Radar TO which is a youth-led social enterprise that does graphic design, murals, and screen printing. This lovely warm scene is said to represent a typical College St cafe scene but to me it shows the gatherings of pleasant older gentleman on benches along the street who sit and talk and watch the world go by - especially the good-looking young women!


  1. This cool mural tell us a story!
    Have a good weekend RedPat! ;-)

  2. Beautiful Mural. There's a fine line between art and vandalism, and this is CERTAINLY art. It definitely looks like Venice (the bridge gives it away).

  3. it looks more like Italy than Little Italy! Still,it is very well done.

  4. As a pleasant older gentleman, let me assure you that some of us still have two good eyes and enjoy checking out the scenes.

  5. "Little Italy"is a phrase I haven't heard for some time - guess I've been away from Ontario too long, or long enough, depending where you're coming from!

    Nice photo Red.

  6. I like your take on what this mural represents. :)

  7. I love the way he's tipping his hat!

  8. Beautiful mural Red, surely this can only be regarded as an enhancement to the area.

  9. Funny story! I love when places give kids a creative useful outlet like this.
