Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yorkshire Sculpture Park - Henry Moore

Henry Moore was born within 15 miles of the sculpture park and as a result he is well represented there thanks to the Henry Moore Foundation and is in fact probably the most represented of all the artists. It is fabulous to see these large bronzes such as this work from 1969-70 in this wonderful landscape!


  1. I'm sure he would be glad to see his work in this beautiful open area, where everybody could admire them. ;-)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Portland Oregon Daily Photo. My summer involved lots and lots of vintage vehicles--hooray! I have enjoyed browsing lots of your posts--fantastic photos of such intriguing sights. I'll be back!

  3. Hi, Redpat. I just got back after ten days away, so I got to see your UK photos at one sitting. This sculpture park must have been a delight to see. I particularly like those see-through wire heads, as well as the ingenious sculptures at the seashore. You must have had a marvelous visit across the sea.

  4. Looks a bit like hands...

  5. I am always impressed with the work of Henry Moore. The smooth bronze sculptures take on a meaning of their own and different to each person.

  6. Interesting sculpture. It has a real organic feel to it.

  7. They're so tactil aren't they

  8. If I ever make it back to England I'll certainly make the trip to the sculpture park.

  9. Love Moore's sculptures.

    By the way, you are so right about our economy, scary times indeed! Last thursday a new package of imprecedent austerity measures was annouced, it's just crazy, every portuguese is about to lose 25% of the income! And I mean the working classes not those who earn money just because they have money...

  10. The Moore sculptures seem right at home in that space, I think.
