Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Autumn Mural

A railway overpass on Avenue Rd has had a quite large scenic mural painted on it, commissioned by the local residents. At this time of year it seems to blend into the fall colours and leaves seamlessly. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out the artist responsible but click on the pic for a better view of the piece.


  1. Toronto is a city full of beautiful art. ;-)

  2. That is really very nice and I'm sure looks better than plain old concrete! I agree with Lucia ... from visiting your blog it does appear that your city is "into" art!

  3. Now that's bridge that would catch my eye.

  4. You have so many murals in Toronto! This one seems to be more muted than most of the murals you have shown.

  5. I do love all the murals of Toronto!

  6. Very nice to see this beneath the overpass. Thanks for getting the photo and sharing it!

  7. Very nice, especially the fact that it was commissioned by the locals. I like that!

  8. An improvement on a blank wall, thank goodness it has not been tagged!

  9. You're right Red this mural is perfect for Autumn, the leaves on the ground look like part of the design. Wow that Jose Ortega sure knows how to handle a paint brush, what fabulously colourful and creative work he does. I've also enjoyed strolling the streets with you and observing the many different styles of architecture, yesterdays style was really contemporary and as you say very different from the others.

  10. Peter beat me to it. In LA, sadly, this wouldn't last a day. What a polite city you live in.
