Sunday, November 20, 2011

Santa Claus Parade 2011

The annual Santa Claus parade marks the beginning of the Christmas season in Toronto and today is the big day for the 107th edition of the parade. Thousands upon thousands of people come out to see it but the best time to shoot the floats is early in the am before the parade begins sooo there I was this morning taking pics as the volunteers did last minute prep. Mother Goose has been in the parade since 1917 and her float is the traditional leader of them all. This year there are 26 floats, 21 marching bands and hundreds of clowns in the parade which is running as I type this. More floats to come this week!


  1. My older son (He's now 40!) was in the parade as a kid. The first year he rode at the front of a giant polar bear. All the other years he walked... gingerbread man, Santa's elf, upside down clown etc etc.

  2. Very nice shot! That's a big goose! We have a holiday parade here but it won't be for awhile yet...and it's nothing like yours - my goodness, this is a big operation. I'll bet kids of all ages have a blast!

  3. Wow! that's a huge goose, they've been flying over our house a lot lately, you can hear them honking,,,M

  4. I can't believe it's almost Christmas time again...
    Mother Goose looks great in this shot! :)

  5. Hard to believe it is that time of year already. What a wonderful tradition to honor Mother Goose, I feel she has been lost over the years to children.

  6. I like this Mother Goose. Wonderful to kick of the holiday season with a parade.

  7. Now that sounds like fun! Can't wait to see the next shot!

  8. She's adorable! Such a grand size for her and her accessories. Hooray for the parade! I look forward to the other floats.

  9. Our parade in small-town Powell River is still 2 weeks off, and it won't be quite as big, but I'll enjoy taking pictures none-the-less.

  10. I remember Mother Goose from when I was a kid many decades ago. In those days Eaton's owned and ran the parade.

  11. There's a goose loose in the hoose!! I don't know where that came from Red, it just had to be said haha! If this is the start of the parade it's going to be a fabulous event!!

  12. Oh, I'm glad someone got photos of the parade!

  13. Does this mean I can put up my tree now?
    After the Caribbean parade last summer, I vowed not to attend anymore downtown dos. Glad I'll get to see your photos though. :)

  14. I'm glad you got these shots (and what a good idea to see them before the parade!)
