Friday, November 18, 2011

Staff Squirrel

A week ago I specifically went to take a picture of this gate but this cheeky squirrel was on top and refused to move until I walked away. I circled back and took some more pics but this one with him was the best!


  1. The cute little one is a member of the staff!
    Great shot, nice sense of humour! :)

  2. Hehe! That's a very cute staff squirrel. :)

  3. I hope he wasn't towed. Toronto is serious about parking regulations! :)

  4. Ah there he is!
    It's great
    Have a wonderful weekend Red Pat

  5. Oh, that's too funny... he's really watching you too!

  6. That is a long furry tail and he knows his place to park.

  7. Guess he was waiting to give you a ticket! Nice shot Red Pat!

  8. Squirrels in urban areas become used to people and show no fear of them. Canada geese are the same way. If you had some peanuts with you he would have more than likely eaten right out of your hand. Keep on clicking.

  9. What a bonus! Lovely composition.

  10. Frustrating look for parking... Nuts!

  11. Wonder what position he holds Red, 'guardian of the gate' very good shot. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  12. From the look in the cheeky squirrels eyes, it is clear that he is having a good time giving you a hard time!

    Re the sign: I always wonder about these. Why would one need a parking space for a staff? And who carries staffs around nowadays anyway except Roman Catholic bishops and shepherds? :-)
