Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Victoria Hospital For Sick Children

This lovely sign is located on a building on College St that opened in 1892 as the Victoria Hospital For Sick Children. Designed by architects, Darling & Curry, it was the first hospital in Canada exclusively for paediatrics and remained in use until 1951 when the renamed Hospital For Sick Children moved to University Ave. The building was used as office space and then sat empty until 1991 when it was restored and adapted for use by the Canadian Red Cross, reopening in 1993. I love the elegant old-fashioned angels! Sorry about the wires but College St has streetcars and as result has lots of overhead wiring.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. I'm so glad this beautiful building has been restored - and no better occupant than the Red Cross!!!

  2. These beautiful angels make us feel safe when we look at them, and the building has nice details too. :)

  3. The fact that it is still there with it's two guarding angels is a miracle.

  4. I love the sign and facade and, back then, I imagine that the beautiful angels inspired confidence for mom and dad when they had a child who had to be there. And I am glad they kept the building outside as is when the hospital moved. (I wouldn't have thought a thing about the wires if you hadn't mentioned them.)

  5. Great photo of a lovely old sign. They certainly don't build like that any more...

  6. Beautiful angels and sign. I bet this whole building is gorgeous. There is a brand new children's hospital in Phoenix that just opened ths year. It is huge! Everytime I look at it I'm a little sad to think there are that many sick children in our city.

  7. I'm chuckling why the need to include SICK in the signage.

  8. I like this sculpture and the marvelous writing. This was a great period in architecture.

  9. What a gorgeous sculpture and that red sandstone is just stunning. Always nice to learn of buildings that are restored and reused.

  10. A piquant testimony to those who gave of themselves to help sick children!

  11. what a beautiful structure, glad it's being preserved.

  12. I have never noticed this before (but then I am not often down that way). Interesting that it is called Sick Kids Hospital and in Ottawa it is simply Children's Hospital.

  13. This building looks like it was built to last Red, so happy it's being used for something so worthwhile. Beautiful detail in the sculpture.

  14. Love the angels holding the sign. Touch my heart. ^_^


  15. Greetings, Grace. Re your question about Sweet Tea...did you see B Farr's response on that same post? She's been in the south many years and explained it well...

    Hope you're having a great day. I'm off to play some golf!

  16. I have gotten to where I do not even think about the wires anymore. Out here in the country they are everywhere and I simply cannot avoid then. This is such a beautiful sculpture and sign. I am so glad you all have been able to save it. Lovely post this week. genie
