Friday, January 6, 2012

Mural at P.A.T. Central B

This is the other (left side) half of yesterday's mural and this one shows bits of Korean culture as opposed to the food. It is unfortunate that skids have been piled against it but as is often the case once the mural has been there for awhile many people don't even look at it or notice it anymore. Hopefully it will get tidied up in the spring. That box towards the middle is actually a planter so it will have flowers next summer we hope!


  1. I like the happy masks!
    Have a good weekend RedPat! ;-)

  2. I'll bet if you gave them a print and pointed out what they were doing, they might change their ways. It's too nice to despoil with their skids.

  3. Interesting. I like the subject matter on this side a little better. But the junk in front of it is a little distracting.

  4. Yes, this would be beautiful without the stuff in front of it. Good shot.

  5. I thought yesterday's half would overtake this half, but I was wrong. Looking past the skids, the mural is wonderful

  6. I think I like the other side best.

  7. Both are beautiful! (Making a mental note here to photograph the murals at the underground train station in the City next week where I get off when I go to work :-)

  8. I think as amazing as it sounds you're right Red, sometimes people get so used to seeing something they actually DON"T see it anymore!! It's a shame because it's a pretty unique mural.

  9. It really is a beautiful mural.

  10. Glad you posted the other part, it's a very cool mural.

  11. Really is such a lovely job. It is funny how people don't see them after a while, I have been known to move things around just to get a shot - this would have been way to hard for you to do here, but glad you gave us a picture of the second half.

  12. Yes, it' a shame part of the mural is hidden.
