Tuesday, February 7, 2012

High Park Wood Spirit

While walking through High Park on Sunday I stumbled across this wood sprit carving on a dead tree and I have since learned that the City of Toronto had commissioned carver Colin Partridge to create 4 of these in 2006. Partridge, a retired RCMP officer (Mountie), used special chisels, a chainsaw, and other tools to carve into stumps and dead trees and then stained the works to hopefully protect them for awhile. I will have to go back and look for the other 3 as it is said that to see a wood spirit brings good luck!


  1. Awesome!...
    So cool you are going back to capture the other ones :)

  2. If seeing one of these carvings brings luck, does seeing the photo count. As you can spread the luck globally.
    Lovely photo and nice background story.

  3. These are very cool - and especially to find them in High Park.

  4. Oh boy, I like this. Look at the expression on the face and those eyes...kinda scary, actually. Very creative and I can't imagine using those tools (esp. the chain saw) to do such excellent work.

  5. How nice to find something like this by accident. I love carvings on trees and stumps that are left in their natural surroundings

  6. Yikes you wouldn't want ot stumble on this in the dark after a wee dram would you.

  7. Love this - do go and find the others to show us.

  8. What a fantastic thing to stumble across. I love it.

  9. Great idea! - I just wonder how long Mother Nature will take before you can't tell what they were.

  10. Very clever, Redpat. I want to find a big tree trunk carved into a bear. But until I do, your tree sprite is a pretty good substitute.

  11. What an amazing idea!
    I hope it brings lots of luck to you! :)

  12. Wonderful sculpture, so an intensive expression!

  13. Very clever idea Red, I'm feeling a little bit lucky just to see him here!! I hope the feeling lasts until I can get a lotto ticket tomorrow haha!

  14. What a clever idea. I love the 'grotesque' style.

  15. Never had the good fortune to visit Toronto, but I've seen a similar carving somewhere else (wracking my brain trying to think where)...wondering if the carver got a commission anywhere else, or if it is just a coincidence.

  16. I love finding these faces carved in old trees! Cool!

  17. Thanks for all the nice comments I actually carved this piece. The tree was an old oak tree that had long since died. I just gave him a new life.

  18. Colin could you give us clues to find all 4 of your wood faces? We have found 2 so far.

  19. does anyone know where all 4 trees are?
    I found the one at the south east part of Grenadier Pond. Clues to see the others would be helpful. Going to walk High Park on Sunday.
    Anyone who can help??

