Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lazy Teddy Bear

I discovered this sculpture of a teddy bear on the lawn of a large house in Wychwood Park but the grounds were surrounded by security company signs so I used my zoom for this capture. You can see that Teddy has been constructed by welding hundreds of laser-cut stars and shapes together to form his body. I know that this lawn will be full of daffodils in a few weeks so I will go back then and ignore the signs and get a close-up with the flowers!
It's gorgeous out here today so I am heading out for an al fresco lunch and a lazy day too!


  1. Different, a big metal teddy on your lawn! Nicely seen.

  2. Aww, innum toot? He'll look great surrounded by green grass and daffodils.

  3. I bet that bear is absolutely amazing close up!

  4. Wonder if he is eventually intended to be an upright Teddy bear? Will be interesting to see when you revisit him.

  5. Thank goodness! On the portal I at first thought that it was a child's lost Teddy. This one just needs a quiet little nap!

  6. This teddy bear is amazing, I've never seen something like that!
    I'd love to see him surrounded with flowers! (even though it means autumn and winter are coming soon...)
    Hope you're having a terrific day my dear friend! :)

  7. Poor Teddy! Got knocked on his arse and nobody helped him up. Or maybe he's just meditating. Or perhaps he's sound asleep. Or he could be planning the next "Attack of the Teddies."

    It's a cool shot, RedPat! I'll look forward to you hopping around in the daffodils taking pictures. Do you think someone could get shots of you in the daffodils while you're getting shots of Teddy?

  8. Oh I want one!!! I love it. It looks as though it is pretty good size.

  9. This bear on a bed of flowers would be quite a shot! I will be looking for it.

  10. That's cute. I hope you had a great day.

  11. Looks like 'Lazy Teddy' is enjoying the nice weather too!

  12. He looks a little sad to me. Hopefully some flowers will cheer him up.

  13. He feels like a lost teddy to me

  14. Glad to hear this is a sculpture. My first thought was a discarded Teddy Bear and that was kind of a sad thought. I like it.

  15. What an amazing sight to come across Red. He's rather a complicated sculpture, bet it took someone ages to put him together. I like the idea of him being surrounded by daffy's, look forward to that image.

  16. Hmmmm, I must be a pessimist... Poor teddy looks dead to me!
    Did someone say birthday? Happy belated birthday, Pat, if that's the case. Hope you enjoyed your special day.

  17. Great idea! It really looks like a Teddy Bear left behind.

  18. aw, i love teddy bears.this is cute great shot.

  19. Well spotted! I miss the time when I was able to "head out for a al fresco lunch and a lazy day" on a Tuesday!

  20. Talk about whimsical (told you I was reading backwards)! Thank goodness for your zoom lens!!
