Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shanghai Cowgirl

How is that for an intriguing name? I had never noticed this place on Queen St West before until a couple of weeks ago and it turns out to be a classic style deco diner with booths and a counter with round stools and everything you would expect to find in such a diner. I haven't been in to eat yet but checked out the menu which covers all the usual diner dishes such as all day breakfast but also a selection of Asian dishes and other unusuals such as perogis that one local site has on their list of best in the city.  I am excited to go there for a meal soon!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. 'Tis a conumdrum! I mean, really, Chinese and Tex-Mex? :-))

    Just kidding. I love deco diners with booths. Let us know when you get a chance to eat there...I'm curious about the food. Perhaps they have sweet and sour pork on a taco? ;-)

  2. Chinese and perogies? Sounds good to me. Next time we're overnighting in Toronto on our way to somewhere I'll try to remember Shanghai Cowgirl. Great name!

  3. Wonderful capture!

  4. I want to try it too! It sounds intriguing. :)

  5. haha that is an intriguing name for sure. I would like to hear what you think after eating there.=)

  6. I want a review once you've gone.
    (now I also want perogies...)

  7. Hmmm. Something makes me want to meet this Shanghai cowgirl! :)

  8. Fusion cuisine I've heard of, but never this particular fuse == I'd try it for sure though.

  9. Strange linking of ideas! But that's what gets attention!

  10. I love to try different things (nothing too weird, of course)!
    It's a very curious name, when you go there maybe you can ask why they chose it for the diner. ;-)

  11. East meets West?'ll have to let us know how it was there!

  12. Sonds like an interesting place, Pat. It's certainly an eye-catching sign!

  13. I'm imagining Jackie Chan in a cowboy role. I think he may have done that too. Why not a female counterpart?

    I like this sign a lot.


  14. Interesting to hear that it's classic and well set up. It could have turned out quite otherwise with that name!

  15. The sign sure is ibnteresting, even if we can't judge the food!

  16. I find the name Shanghai Cowgirl a bit of a paradox. Interesting name for a diner.

  17. I got a chuckle from the name. It's catchy name to attract business.

  18. I would try it too. Great name.

  19. Love the name.
    I wonder if this is near VioleSky's White Squirrel?!
    I must check out this neighbourhood again!

  20. What a funky name for a diner. It definitely is an eye catcher. Bet the food is good...but I have need thought of Asian food in a diner. That is a first in my book. What a great find for your post this week. genie

  21. Definitely a place to visit, be sure to wear the appropriate headwear!

  22. Looks good Pat, will await a review of the food, and in the meantime I'm off to Google 'perogis'!!
