Thursday, April 12, 2012

Turtle Love In Wychwood Park

I shot this pic about 1 hour ago during a walk through Wychwood Park which is a private enclave, in the middle of the city, of 60 spectacular Arts & Crafts homes built around a pond in the early 1900s. It has been a bit cool here so I was surprised to see a couple of the resident Midland Painted Turtles out basking in the sun - a good looking couple don't you think?
Click on the Wychwood label below to see some of the houses I have posted in the past and also the turtle sign!


  1. Lovely shot! - summer is definitely on the way!

  2. Looks like a very nice seems that we need water and parks inside the urban areas to make them more liveable, and also to give our turtle friends a place to live out their lives in relative peace. Nice shot!

  3. Love them!
    Well captured Red Pat!

  4. So cute! I see these guys at the golf course alot. :)

  5. Something so divine about building homes around water, and of course, you know how I love turtles :-).

  6. It IS cool today so I too am surprised they are out. The sun is lovely so it must feel good on their shells.

  7. A very handsome couple and obviously very happy that it is Spring!

  8. Love that shade of green, and the turtles are an added bonus!

  9. Oh, if there's anything I love it's a photo of turtles basking on a log in the water. Wonderful, Pat!

  10. RedPat this is a beautiful photo!

    I looked at the homes previously posted and see it is a neighborhood I would love.

  11. Hi RP. Re your comment on Ocala DP: you have a droll sense of humor. I like it!

  12. A fine place and a fine photo, RedPat.

  13. BTW, I clicked on the Wychwood link, as you commanded. Isn't it time for you and your camera to take another tour of the neighborhood? It looks wonderful.

  14. Like the composition. The reflection of the large tree completes a wonderful shot. Then, there are the turtles ... love 'em!

  15. Great shot, they look like they are enjoying the sunshine.

  16. Cool shot! Love turtles, I kept several species and a tortoise at my parents' house.

  17. Mr an Mrs (or whatever their relationship status is) Turtle look very happy to be soaking up a little sun Pat, lovely capture.

  18. Oh how sweet! Great capture, Pat:-)
