Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The Vessel"

This rather avant-garde sculpture was installed in Taddle Creek Park just down the block from Tuesday's large house. Titled "The Vessel", it was done by artist Ilan Sandler and is made of 4km of stainless steel rod, the approximate length of Taddle Creek which once ran through downtown Toronto from Wychwood Park to Lake Ontario. The creek was buried many years ago with only the section through Wychwood still above ground. The sculpture was installed in June 2011 and water runs up the rods and falls in a gentle stream from the edge of the pitcher. I think the pylon on top was probably a recent installation by kids!


  1. Awesome+pylon! :)

  2. Well, I do support public art, but this one is going to take a while for me to warm up to it . . .

  3. Very cool! I need to get down to see this one.

  4. You found something red even on a stainless steel sculpture. :)

  5. Rats! I was all excited about seeing a boat.

  6. This is interesting, it looks transparent. Do I see the water at the top coming out the pipe? I want to see this in person : )

  7. Gorgeous sculpture, I bet the water running and the sound in really sweet.

  8. Not what I was expecting, but I do like it!

  9. Really lovely sculpture. I like the way the photo is balanced with the woman in the foreground. It also helps to give a perspective of the size of the vessel. Nice one!

  10. It's certainly eye catchng!

  11. Now this is my kind of sculpture...I can understand it. So many works of art/sculpture look like globs of metal to me. Since I collect LITTLE pitchers, this BIG one really caught my eye. genie

  12. So cool! Glad you captured the lady passing by, she looks great in the photo and gives us some scale.

  13. This is the first that I've herd of Taddle Creek. Interesting sculpture.

  14. this is interesting - but it might be even better had the pitcher been angled into a pouring position.

  15. Very interesting piece. I think the Creek connection is very clever.

  16. I like it a lot Pat, I should imagine the water flowing over the rim of the ewer would be very relaxing to see and hear. Had to laugh at the pylon on top..there's always someone who feels they have to add their special touch haha!

  17. Very nicely framed and well done to get the woman in too, Pat. I was out for a few beers with a guy from Toronto last night, as it happens:-)

  18. This is a really nice image!
