Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bloor Cinema Saved

The Bloor Cinema which is in a building that had been a movie theatre since 1913 was in danger of being demolished by developers in 2010 until being saved and then subsequently sold to the Blue Ice Group which has just finished a total renovation and renewal of this grand place. There are 710 new roomy seats, a larger screen, up-to-date digital equipment and more. The cinema is the new home of the Hot Docs festival each spring and will be a year-round home for documentary films. The new sign just went up a couple of weeks ago!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Love it!
    Red rules today!

  2. I'm glad the building was saved from being demolished.

    Silly me. I thought Hot Docs might be films about cute looking McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy....or something. Sigh....

  3. Good thing I read your notes - I thought the sign said "Hot Dogs Cinema"!

    Nice to see - our own old theatre is currently raising funds for a digital conversion also.

  4. Have you been inside it yet? I haven't been to any Hot Docs events in many years and yet every year I want to go... never enough time to plan ahead, I guess.

  5. I'm sure you loved the colours! ;-)

  6. the sign is a bit underwhelming for Hot Docs, imho.
    but i am glad the theatre was saved and is being used. this is a good location to keep the festival.

  7. So glad to see old theatres restored! This one looks as if the sign style tends to be modern in contrast with the old brickwork!

  8. what a happy ending to the story of this old cinema. i hope more and more "real" cinemas will be saved for future generations who know only the multiplex experience.

  9. Hooray for this lovely theatre being saved! And for a great purpose.

  10. A good news story, saving a cinema with a bit of character.

  11. It is always such a joy to hear renovation and renewal and looks nicely done.

  12. I'm so glad to hear this old building was saved from demolition! I had to laugh when I read Paul's comment - I too saw "hot dogs" at first glance - and had to do a double-take! :=}

  13. Hope this is a 'sign' of our times.

  14. Gold news for a Toronto old gem.

  15. Yay!! Always good to see places like this. :)

  16. I love when people save places like this.

  17. Always happy to see an old place brought back to life. A job well done!

  18. We should be saving many more of these old buildings, so happy about this one Pat.

  19. I'm so glad the building has not been torn down. The sign is fantastic!

  20. Great collection of photos from one of my favorite cities.

  21. I'm so glad some of the historic places in Toronto are being saved!
