Friday, May 4, 2012

"Can You Hear It, Too?"

Just visible in the upper right of yesterday's pic of the Artscape building on Queen St West is this structure/sculpture, titled "Can You Hear it, Too?". By artist Mitchell Fenton, it was installed in 1995 and is constructed of sheet metal and steel and stands 12' tall. The interior lights up and glows at night but I really don't think that many people notice it up there day or night or if they do they probably think it is some type of siren. I can't say that I'm thrilled by this one but the pigeons seem to like it! Any opinions?


  1. It is not a masterpiece, but I can't deny it's a fun sculpture! ;-)

  2. i agree with lucia, the piece is fun and creates mystery as to what it is and what it is doing up there. i had not realized it was so big. i like it. thanks red pat. good eyes!

  3. It certainly is a conversation piece as they say.

    Good work

    Valleys ShutterBug

  4. A giant metal ear trumpet which looks like an air conditioning vent! Maybe when it is lit up at night it comes into its own?

  5. I like it!
    Have a great weekend Red Pat!

  6. That is a super sculpture. If I was a pigeon, I would make this my home. =)

  7. From the title I'd suggest it is meant to represent a seashell -- I can't remember the name of the shells shaped like that, but if you put them to your ear you can hear the roar of the sea.

  8. I like it, I agree it looks like some type of siren, but I like it where it is sited. The pigeons are such a bonus on any statue, but here they really do get to make a statement.

  9. My immediate reaction is indifference, so I would say that (for me) this fails as a piece of art, which should generate a strong emotional response (even if it loathing!).

  10. I'm with Deb - air conditioning vent! ie: ugly!

  11. Interesting placement of this art.
    Put it to your ear and listen "coo, coo, coo..."

  12. Gosh at 12' it's quite a big sculpture Pat, the trouble is it's just too high, it might be more noticeable at night as you say with when it's lit up. I don't know, I don't hate it!.

  13. I like it but, I have to admit it seems like a strange place to put it.

  14. I like it - almost as much as those pigeons! I like the idea that only some people see it too.

  15. Hmmm. If pigeons like it then I do not. :))

  16. So cool! The birds like it too. :-)
