Monday, May 21, 2012

"Mimico Creek In Fall"

This is another of the murals I saw during the Jane's Walk tour of the Islington Mosaic of murals along Dundas St a couple of weeks ago. It was painted by John Kuna in 2008 and shows Mimico Creek in the 1920s as it ran under Dundas and alongside Montgomery's Inn which I posted last week. It was a popular location for fishing and also for artists especially in the fall when the leaves were changing.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here to see more murals.


  1. Wow! That is well done! And even the tacky pizza sign doesn't hurt it.

  2. This is a great shot! The people really fit in the mural, they belong there! :-)

  3. Well captured Red Pat!

  4. Yeah!!!!!! And good for you!!!!!

    I knew you could do it and it looks fabulous. Yes, now you can play - change colors, fonts, all kinds of stuff, and until you click "Apply to Blog," your original stays the same, so you get a chance to preview all of your changes.

    Good luck. You've done very well!

    I'll be back 'ere long!


  5. Nice old fashioned scene, lovely autumn colours.

  6. This is a super mural! Isn't it amazing, though, how much the area has changed?

  7. The viewers llok as if they are part of the painting

  8. What a wonderful mural! Sure does decorate that great big expanse of wall very well.

  9. Nice warm colours in this realistic mural!

    I met a friend of mine this afternoon, I showed him your blog and he loved the bike stands. And I loved the new layout. ;-)

  10. It still always amazes me how much has changed in such a relatively short time!

  11. Looks like a beautiful scene instead of a mural. Well done!

  12. So amazingly realistic, I feel I could skip stones on the creek.

  13. Very realistic scene. The scale of the mural makes the walkers look like part of the painted scene. It looked like it was a fine day for a walk of discovery. Thanks, Pat, for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

  14. This is a pretty remarkable mural, RedPat. Very well painted!

  15. Amazing work and so colorful.

  16. What a nice view of nature this mural shows. It's so realistically painted that it might offer a fun THEN and NOW opportunity... assuming you could stand on the same spot now.

  17. This one is a beauty Pat, a vision of Autumn colours.

  18. Pat, with all the comments I have left tonight you must have figured out that I am getting caught up with all your post.

    You have left so many wonderful comments on my humble site and due to recent health issues I have not been able to return the visits until now.

    I will have to keep coming back until I get to see all your wonderful post.

    Each mural you post has been better than the last one. I love this one. It is so life like.
