Sunday, May 6, 2012

Neat Little House

I happened upon this small hidden house in the winter and recently went back to check it out again with some greenery. It was an old building in the city centre just off Queen St West that had extensive damage from neglect when the owners of the building to the left bought it and decided to renovate and reuse it as a live/work space for rental purposes. Every effort was made to be green including having a wildflower meadow roof, super efficient windows, etc. The resulting house won the Ontario Association of Architects Award of Excellence for residential design in 2005.  I love it and will head back in the summer when all the leaves and flowers are out - I bet it will be hardly visible!


  1. Coming home to an entranceway like this would be a treat! I like it - nice find.

  2. Very cool find. I bet during summer it is lovely and secluded with all the greenery around it.
    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  3. I love this kind of innovation, recycling and old building and turning it into a winner.

  4. It looks great, just my kind of place. Wow.

  5. This is my kind of place, love it! :)

  6. Cool red door ;)

  7. It's fantastic to renovate and repurpose buildings like that. It has made for a very appealing home!

  8. Nice variety of paving on the driveway, clearly a lot of attention to detail, nice place.

  9. I like a secret garden.

  10. The house is cute and so is the paved walkway leading up to it. :)

  11. This place looks great! I'd love to see inside.

  12. It does look very well finished. A green roof is on my wish-list.

  13. The entrance looks inviting!

  14. So interesting to see how a scene looks in all the different seasons, looks great in spring but I bet it will be sensational in summer. They really went all out to make it the best possible, be a great spot to rent hey Pat.

  15. It's certainly tucked away. We live somewhere very similiar, the delivery drivers can never find us!

  16. love the askew front door. I bet you are right, it will hardly be visible when those vines cover that fence.
