Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spadina House Green Room

I showed you a pic of the exterior of Spadina House here back in April and this weekend was Doors Open Toronto which is a weekend when over 100 buildings in the city are open to wander through, many of which are not usually open to the public. Spadina House is a museum open all the time but this seemed a good time to check out the interior which has been totally & lovingly restored to its 1920s-30s state. This is one of the rooms from the original structure built in 1818 and I thought you could all use a break from my modern laneway houses! The last surviving member of the Austin family left all the furnishings when the house was handed over to the city in 1978. Beautiful isn't it?


  1. Love that green wallpaper. A handsome room.

  2. Amazing, RedPat. The patterns in the cornice mouldings are terrific. I don't remember seeing something like that.

  3. Yes it is, very beautiful!
    Love the colours, details, textures... ;-)

  4. This is one of the hidden gems in the city! (I am in love with that radiator cover)

  5. Nice capture! Quite a beautifully done room. I'd find it a bit much to dust. . .but then, I suppose one would have staff for that. . .?

    Thanks for visiting Sequim Daily Photo!

  6. Oh this is nice Pat, loved the style of the 1930's, very elegant yet at the same time comfortable! Beautifully shown here.

  7. p.s. I hope your friend enjoys her stay in Perth, she has come at such a good time, the weather couldn't be better..crisp in the early morning and evening but around 23/25C in the day. Perfect!!

  8. Fabulous photo, Pat. I love the reflection in the floor as well as in the mirror. Lovely.
    Must be quite the occasion for the photographers of Toronto when these houses have Open House.

  9. It's lovely! I need to see this one in person. :)

  10. It certainly is a beautiful looking house!

  11. Ya, the wallpaper caught my eye right away too.

  12. Wow - gorgeous, I LOVE the fabric on those chairs.

  13. Wish I'd been free this year to attend the Toronto Doors Open!

  14. Delightful room. It's great that these buildings are preserved and restored for the future generations.

  15. Very beautiful indeed. You convey the opulence perfectly, Pat.
