Monday, June 4, 2012

"Briarly - Gone But Not Forgotten"

This is another of the murals from the Islington area of the city. Briarly was a beautiful home that stood on Dundas St just east of Montgomery's Inn until being demolished in 1989 and replaced by townhouses. Built in the 1840s as a frame Regency style cottage, it was redesigned to have an Italianate style in the 1850s and was owned by the Montgomery family until 1985 when sold to developers. This mural is yet another painted by John Kuna (in 2007).
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. This has a nice juxtaposition with the woman in jeans in the foreground and the woman in the long dress and parasol in the background.

  2. What a beautiful house that must have been. It reminds me (probably erroneously) of the Charleston bits of Gone With the Wind.

  3. Toronto city of fine Murals!

  4. I see I'm not the only one who thinks this has a Southern flavor. The antibellum era in Toronto? Haha. The woman with the parasol looks like something Renoir would paint. Lots to look at in this lovely mural. Mr. Kuna certainly has made his mark on Toronto. Hope there are others to be posted. Thanks for continuing to participate in Monday Mural.

  5. Wonderful mural and a great reminder of what used to be here.

  6. What a great way to celebrate a passed wonder. I agree the juxtaposition between the two women of different eras makes for a really fun shot.

  7. What a beautiful mural! The lady there makes a nice addition too! :)

  8. I can't even begin to think of how much time and effort goes into creating something this magnificent!

  9. What a lovely work, your blog is unique RedPat! ;-)

  10. My first thought was how sad that such a beautiful home had to be demolished to put up modern townhouses. That was my 2nd and 3rd thoughts too!

    A fine mural, though, and I like that you've included the woman as we get a sense of scale - that mural is huge!

  11. I love these murals that depict homes and images inside the homes you have displayed lately.

  12. What a beautiful home. Too bad it was demolished.

  13. That must have been a lot of work.

  14. Think I would prefer Briarly to the new townhouses!

  15. Seems a real shame to me that this was replaced by townhouses. Just saying.

  16. What a shame to lose such a wonderful home!

  17. Now, ths is a really good mural.

  18. Wow Pat, this is so good, I had to look twice to realize it was actually a mural, brilliant.

  19. What a pity it was demolished... At least the mural is there in remembrance.

  20. What a pity it was demolished... At least the mural is there in remembrance.

  21. I remember this house....I lived around there and my brothers went to Etobicoke High School.

  22. Sad that the building is gone but nice it can be remembered through this mural.

    It is so well done that at first glance I thought it was real.

  23. I always remember this house driving was sad that they put up those townhouses.
