Saturday, June 16, 2012

Modern Infill House

This has to be one of my favourite new houses that I have found lately. Located in the south Forest Hill neighbourhood, I have been unable to find any info on it other than the real estate listing for the house that had previously occupied the lot - it sold for just under $2 million 2 years ago and was then torn down!  I like the proportions of this one and when the grasses are taller later in the summer it will certainly be stunning. 


  1. While I do like the home, it does say something about the insane state of realestate to buy a $2million home, only to tear it down. Property values are way out of whack.

  2. I do like to look at modern homes and and always intrigued. I don't think I could live in one though.

  3. Nice house, I like the geometric block effect.
    I also note with some envy the lovely summer weather you are having. Still raining here, but at least it is good for the veg plot.

  4. Agree. As you know, I live just one street over and usually do not like infill houses. But, this one was exceeding well done and feels like it belongs.

  5. I agree, it has really nice lines, and the landscaping is really gorgeous.

  6. $2 million is a lot to spend for just the land! I know people in my neighborhood do things like that. But some of the old bungalows are in the $600s which makes it a little more reasonable if you're just going to tear it down. I can't imagine spending so much money. :S But it's definitely a nice-looking house. :)

  7. I think you have to have "modern sensibilities" to appreciate reminds me of something from the 60s. But I still like it. I'm wondering what kind of view, if any, they have from those windows and that balcony?

    So many of your houses in Toronto are very high priced! How do people afford them?

  8. I always worry about flat roofs in places that can get a lot of snow. I'm probably just a worry wort, though.

  9. It's a little like a fortress Pat impregnable, I guess you'd feel nice and safe in a house like this. I quite like the clean lines.

  10. Lowell - the view is just other homes and their gardens but there are a lot of mature trees in the area so I think it would be mostly foliage.

  11. I like the style. Whether or not people need homes this large (I'm assuming it's pretty big) or this expensive is a different matter. :-)

  12. $2M for a plot of land is way too much! Says something about the exorbitant amount of money some people earn. We have a similar property boom here...
