Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Little Green In The Laneway

I thought I would set the scene a bit of the famous Graffiti Laneway that runs below Queen St West and is the area where I have found most of the street art such as UB5000's birds that I have shown you. Almost every surface along the lane is covered with tags with some really good pieces thrown into the mix. There are even tours conducted along the lane throughout the summer -  "come see urban blight" some might say! I love how the ivy has covered this part of the old building that juts out over the lane. (why did they do that jutting out in the old days?)


  1. The ivy sure seems to like it there...a LOT!

    I need to visit that laneway. :))

  2. Looks very interesting. I think the ivy is a good thing...here in Florida if you leave it untended the structure is covered over and disappears in about two weeks! ;-)

    I have no idea about the jutting.

    Re your comment on Ocala: The car purred like a kitten - new, modern engine, probably... :-)

  3. Ah yes the eco friendly green anti graffiti paint does seem to be working on some of the buildings here ;)

    I see a lot of jutting out buildings in York. It is usually a sign that other building around have been demolished or altered so those left seem 'out of line'.

  4. Very nice!
    Cool :)

  5. The 'box' of ivy certainly adds to the scene!

  6. I've always loved Ivy covered buildings. I find this bump-out kind of interesting.

  7. I like the ivy here. It's a nice contrast between city and nature. :)

    I think alot of the times the buildings jut out b/c you can get more space above using less space below. You don't have to pay for the "land" that way. :)

  8. We have a few like this too Pat, walls just totally covered and recovered in a mixture of tags and murals. I do like the touch of green with the ivy and I'm guessing if left unchecked the graffiti will be discovered fifty years from now under the ivy and be looked on as an quite a find.

  9. Like EG, I may have to try to visit before I leave town... although I don't want to "encroach" on your area with my camera... LOL! Cool ivy.

  10. Wow - love the feel of the ivy against the tags. We have a jut out like that in an alley very similar to this - it was a bridge between two buildings. In the 1600's they were out houses - but when this one was built - good question - maybe someone will have an answer

  11. lovely to see wild ivy in an urban setting.
