Saturday, July 14, 2012

Industrial Sculpture

Just outside the gates of yesterday's courtyard this sculpture has been installed (you can see the spiral stairs in the background) and seems to reference the former industrial nature of the complex. I could find no info on the piece which seems to be consistent with the whole complex since I could find no info on it either. I like this piece and the mood it sets!


  1. Did the previous place make anchors? :)

  2. I rather like it, also, but can't imagine what it symbolizes or represents.

  3. Love this kind of sculpture, and you are right it works so very, very well with the building and it's black wrought iron staircases

  4. Very nice with it's shadow!

  5. Yes it is well sited here, I like the way it appears to be opening out and transforming into a different shape.

  6. Good for them. Including serious sculpture. Not so sure still about the spiral stairs, but I am quite sure about this nice sculpture.

  7. Hi Pat! Thanks for your comment on Ocala. I thought because you like word-play, you might like this poem I wrote some years back. It's on my poetry blog, Creative Confections, here:

    Have a great Sunday!

  8. It creates an interesting shadow.

  9. I've seen several pieces similar to this recently. Even though I love lines and angles, I have a hard time appreciating something like this.

  10. First time visitor.

    Interesting piece; it seems to be a metaphor for something old being given a fresh look by blending newer into older. The spiral staircase was quite clever. It minimizes the actual space needed if a conventional application was implemented. My 2.5 cents.

  11. It suits the new conversion perfectly Pat, love your perspective in this shot.
