Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gehry Stairs At The AGO

I showed you the Frank Gehry stairs in the interior of the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) a few weeks ago and had shown the exterior stairs here, last May. I was walking by the gallery a few days ago and was struck by how wonderful the stairs look jutting out of the titanium-clad Gehry addition so here they are. There is a wonderful contrast with the 19th century Grange building (still part of the gallery) and its cupid garden fountain! 


  1. I agree Red - great contrast! Cupid's nice, but those stairs are terrific.

  2. I like the back of the AGO better than the front. As architecture goes, I like the OCAD (next door) better than the AGO. :-)

  3. I love this view and have dozens of shots. The way the light plays on the colour makes it special every time.

  4. Wow, they take my breath away, Wow, that is just all I can say.

  5. I'm sitting here with a goofy grin on my face. These are wonderful! And it's very thoughtful that they are enclosed which makes winter weather bearable.

  6. Great contrast in styles, then and well I was going to say now, but those stairs look futuristic!

  7. It seems those stairs can take us to another world! ;-)

  8. I love Gehry. Everything he builds appeals to me in some way. These stairs are inventive and just plain fun to see.

  9. That's a fantastic sight, so many contrasting things and colours going on!

  10. You shot this photo in great light, RedPat. Super shot of the stairway.

  11. Looks to be a quirky mix that works.

  12. Organic and futuristic looking. Quite incredible.

  13. I love Gehry! I've got some of his other works up on my travel blog today if you're interested. :)

  14. This is an amazing sight Pat. I'm so glad you decided to show it I've never seen anything like this before. I must do some Googling and see a bit more of his work.

  15. Fantastic! Great composition too.
