Sunday, August 26, 2012

Metal Dragon

There are 3 ferry docks on the Toronto Islands and I took the ferry that drops you off at Ward's Island which is the most easterly end of the islands and also the end where the houses (and resulting community) remain. After exiting the ferry and walking towards the Island cafe you suddenly come across a large grouping of metal creatures, some free-standing like this dragon but most of them affixed to the fence of the community tennis courts (visible in the background here). They were created by Bruce Smith, a resident of the islands, and some like this dragon have pipes running up their backs which can be attached to propane tanks and set on fire for special occasions!  


  1. Now that would be interesting see at night, a metal dragon spouting fire!

  2. How cool! Would love to see it spitting fire.

  3. What a great idea! I wonder what sort of occasion warrants setting the dragon alight? Would love to see that.

  4. that is really cool. how ingenious to fully use metal?
    Some of the sculpture is so fine though. I hope it doesn't rust away?

  5. Very cool and very hot! Kinda scary, too. Mr. Smith is very talented. I really like these and would love to see them lit up!

  6. I would love to see that dragon afire! I've never noticed these sculptures on the islands.

    PS: I see your shadow. :)

  7. Perfect sculpture!

  8. A fire breathing dragon, best not to stand too close once the flames start!

  9. He looks more like a rooster with butterfly wings.

  10. Fantastic find Pat, and like the others I would love to see it lit up for a 'special occasion'!!

  11. I don't usually think of dragons as being lacy, but it works for me here.
