Friday, August 24, 2012

Skewed Image

This is one of 17 large production plasters by Toronto artist Evan Penny that are currently installed along a hallway at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario).  Penny sculpts the original pieces in clay and then makes a mold before casting these plaster forms to keep as a record of the works. This piece is quite large as you can see from the size of the light switch just below the figure. I have shown a few of Penny's works before and this one typifies his statement - "I try to situate my sculpture somewhere between the way we perceive each other in real time and space, and the way we perceive ourselves and each other in an image". I quite like his work!
Click on the Penny label below to see more.


  1. I'm undecided, or maybe ambivalent is a better word. If I saw it "in real time and space" I might be more positive.

  2. What a great idea wonderfully accomplished!

  3. Wow, I knew my eyes were not as good as they used to be, but I can't see this very clearly at all!

    Just like when I look in the mirror in the morning and see this old guy staring back at me. Who IS that I wonder!

  4. I'd really like to know what's going through his mind when he does each sculpture. I think I know what he's getting at, but I'm not sure. I'm going to Google him. :))

  5. Oh I agree, I really do like his work. Really love the Hart House piece

  6. I'm not sure if I like it, I feel a little bit dizzy, but it really catches the attention! ;-)

  7. Initially I thought there was a severe lens blurr. Then it was really just the sculpture!

  8. Impressive size but not sure about the finished product. Would like to see the real thing.

  9. Hi, RedPat. I saw that you had an Evan Penny sculpture and I had to visit. He is amazing. When I worked in Columbus, I was involved with the Columbus Museum of Art, whic had a major Penny exhibition. He had some amazing silicone heads that were frighteningly lifelike, down to human hair patiently inserted hair by hair. Fascinating sculptor.

  10. Makes me feel a little giddy!

  11. A very original approach Pat, methinks it's one of those sculptures you either love or not so much!

  12. I'm with LĂșcia, I feel dizzy!
